the first good news of april!
we made it through another marker of time, y'all. my hope for us in this new month, this aries szn, this spring is that we can have the space and grounding to move in alignment with our values.
This week had me thinking a lot about Toni Morrison saying, "But, for me, success is not a public thing. It's a private thing. It's when you have fewer and fewer regrets."
— tamara k. nopper (@tamaranopper) April 2, 2022
this week's newsletter celebrates the working class people banding together to bring home wins for us all and honors the smaller wins we all will have this week. to fewer and fewer regrets.
fuck amazon. support unions.
amazon workers in staten island just won a huge victory. it's especially beautiful because the Amazon Labor Union (ALU) is not connected to any of the big unions, it's just workers banding together and demanding more and better.
"The culture at Amazon is very intense and intimidating, so when a lot of older workers first saw a bunch of young people trying to organize something so big, it was hard for some of them to grasp that we actually knew what we wanted and that we knew how to get there. That’s why we had to educate ourselves — and then educate our coworkers — on how exactly this can be done. We explained what we can do as a unit, all of us together."

I don't understand why everyone keeps reminding us that organizing is a collective effort of people power. We know that, it's the whole point of a union. It was Amazon who thrust Christian as the representative of this movement and their antiBlackness grossly backfired.
— Comorienne 🇰🇲 (@_ShamGod) April 2, 2022
aaaaand starbucks is catching our collective hands as well. i love it here.
Breaking: Starbucks Flagship store in NYC votes to join Workers United with a vote of 46 to 36.
— Workers United (@WorkersUnited) April 1, 2022
young people are tired of our shit.
from climate injustice to homoantagonistic laws, young people across the globe are walking out
"On Friday, thousands of youth took to the streets. From Berlin to Cape Town, climate activists skipped school to demand climate reparations from their leaders. Though Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg started the climate strike movement through Fridays for Future back in 2018, the movement is now led by youth from around the world.
Youth among the most affected people and areas, also known as MAPA, are (rightfully) taking a front seat. The climate strike’s theme of climate reparations addresses the centuries of harm by former colonial powers in the Global North to the most vulnerable communities in the Global South still repairing the trauma from that colonization. The youth are making it clear that the countries most responsible for the climate crisis need to own up to their actions (or lack thereof). Not all youth could strike as school is a privilege for many and not every country honors free speech, but all youth play a role in this global movement."

"Florida students stage school walkouts over 'Don't Say Gay' bill"
Students across Florida staged school walkouts in response to legislation — dubbed the "Don't Say Gay" bill — that would prohibit discussing sexual orientation and gender identity in the state’s primary schools.
"'The language and the supporters of the bill and the rhetoric around the bill really shows what this bill is, and it's an attempt to hurt queer people like me,' said Flagler Palm Coast High School senior Jack Petocz, who organized the statewide protests on social media and led his school's protest in Palm Coast.
After the rally, Petocz said he was called into his principal's office and suspended 'indefinitely.' Petocz said he was punished for distributing 200 pride flags for the rally after having been advised not to do so by the principal."
i, for one, am amazed that my sexuality and gender orientation is the primary concern of anyone purporting to be worried about children and their education given... *gestures broadly*
the children as always give me hope.
in migration is a human right news
if i were writing the headline it would have sounded more like, "colonial power stops using global pandemic it exacerbated as an excuse to violate international human rights law," but i guess that's a little long.
The Biden administration is expected to end the asylum limits at the U.S.-Mexico border by May 23 that were put in place to prevent the spread of COVID-19, according to people familiar with the matter.
The decision, not yet final, would halt use of public health powers to absolve the United States of obligations under American law and international treaty to provide haven to people fleeing persecution, and would apply to all asylum-seekers.
Ending the limitations in May would allow for time to prepare at the border, the people said. But the delay runs against the wishes of top Democrats and others who say COVID-19 has long been used as an excuse for the U.S. to get out of asylum obligations.

& a monday treat
hope you like it
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with hope,
katie wills evans