having a body is weird, man

being autistic and chronically ill means i think about my body in a specific way that has changed dramatically over time. in the past few years, i have started thinking about and caring about my body in ways that i had neglected to in the past.

our societal context in the form of ability/disability, gender, class privilege, family history, race, and so many more factors can influence how much or how little we think about the form that carries us through every minute of every day—and that's before we even consider how capitalism and corporate greed prey on each of us.

i'm still working on fleshing out the next few piece in the accountability series, but in the meantime here are some offerings related to bodies and embodiment.

fat fiction

my doctor recommended this movie to me, and nothing else i've engaged with has made me reevaluate what i'm eating as seriously.

Sluggish by Jesse Meadows

Sluggish is a newsletter about neurodiversity, disability, and capitalism that i loooove. i've been revisiting this piece about anxiety recently.

What Does My Anxiety Mean?
on turning to philosophy when medicine fails

body poetry & movement

Dancing Grounds, a dance, movement, and performance studio for adults and kids in New Orleans, hosts a class by paris cyan cian called "Body Poetry." i went a few Saturdays ago and was struck by how feel spaces there are where we can engage in spontaneous movement of our bodies in ways that feel supportive and supported. check out the space and the artist below.

Adult Classes — Dancing Grounds
<p><span style=“font-size:11.0pt”>Dancing Grounds is a nonprofit arts organization that brings high-quality, inclusive, and accessible dance education programs to New Orleans residents of all ages and backgrounds. We use dance as a vehicle for building community across cultures, developing youth cha…
about | paris cyan cian

insight timer

this one is a therapist recommendation. i'm wary of wellness apps in general, but this one has been really helpful in supporting me as i try to rebuild a mindfulness and meditation practice.

Insight Timer - #1 Free Meditation App for Sleep, Relax & More

as always, i hope this was helpful.

if it was and you've got five bucks a month to spare, click here.

with hope,

katie wills evans