friday love note ❣️
look at us, making it this far.

happy friday! i've rounded up some media for you to put on in the background while you attempt relaxation. i believe in you.
wwcb x moons of aphrodite: piseas szn
whew. pisces szn is over and i have finally stopped napping long enough to record this episode. as always, jampacked with hot takes and big feels and i managed to keep the Rihanna worship to under five minutes.

full transparency: i am only halfway through this movie, but i keep thinking about it and plan to finish this weekend. it takes a look at a parallel present with the same exploitation, but a different gig economy. i need people to discuss with!
the director of this movie and his crew wrote a filmmaking handbook to try and create a less exploitative set. here's an excerpt of what he had to say about the experience:
One can be oriented towards wokeness and can consider oneself one of the “good ones.” But then the pressures of time and money tighten their grip on what seems possible, and low-budget filmmaking becomes – at least for some of the labor being done – no-budget filmmaking. Just recently, I watched a film festival Q&A where a director fondly recalled trading pizza for crew labor on the set of his latest feature. In a system where the writer-director – or if they’re not the same person, then the director – stands to benefit the most from the upward thrust of a successful independent film, landing them press interviews, festival appearances, and perhaps a manager and agent, I would argue that there is no film that should be made if the people benefitting the most from the outcome cannot raise enough money to pay a minimum wage to the people who stand to benefit the least from its success.
read the rest:

Persona - HBO Max
cw: suicide, ableism
is this documentary well done? no. did much of it's b-roll make me laugh out loud? yes. do i still think it's worth watching? sure do. this documentary lays out the ways in which personality tests and other hiring technology are, like everything else, racist, sexist, classist, ableist, and, and, and...
it's not exactly uplifting, but i did learn a lot and it includes some dope organizers.
as always, i hope this was useful. if it was, consider subscribing in the bottom right.
with hope,
katie wills evans